Here is a map of the club’s location. You can also see what the entrance from the road looks like using Google Street View by clicking here.
Driving Directions
From The North, East Or West
Travelling from the East along the A25 (from Reigate), or from the West along the A25 (from Dorking) then turn into Brockham Lane, which will head south into Brockham.
Drive over the bridge that spans the River Mole, which will take you into the village of Brockham itself. Here the road changes to Middle Street.
On the left you will see the village green, and just past the green the church. Turn immediately left after the church into Wheelers lane.
Follow Wheelers Lane for about 1km, where on the left, just past the small pond, is the entrance to the range, marked Weirmead Farm on the gate. If you come to the T-Junction that joins onto Wellhouse Lane, then you have gone too far.
Drive through the gate into the ground and park along the edge of the ground on the non-shooting side of the rope.
From The South
If you are coming from the South, head towards Brockham and Middle Street (which starts at Brockhamurst Road about 1.8km south of Brockham).
About 1Km from Brockenhurst Lane you will reach Strood Green. Approximately 100m after “The Shop at Strood Green” turn right onto Wellhouse Lane.
Drive about 300m and then turn left again into Wheelers Lane. The entrance to the range is about 50m on the right, just before the small pond, and is marked Weirmead Farm on the gate.
Drive through the gate into the ground and park along the edge of the ground on the non-shooting side of the rope.
Printed Directions To Reigate Priory Bowmen
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