Ever fancied yourself to be the next Katniss Everdeen, Merida, Arrow or Robin Hood but only want a small taster session? Then a Have-A-Go day is for you! Perfect for people wanting to try their hand at archery before committing to completing a beginner’s course, Have-A-Go days are great family fun! At RPB, our experienced members and coaches are there to help.
Our next Have-A-Go Day will be in 2025 – Date TBC.

Please note, Reigate Priory Bowmen is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. As such, aside from our Public Have-A-Go Day, we are unable to offer individual or group Have-A-Go experiences.
More Information
If you’d like us to let you know when we’re running another Have-A-Go day, please sign up for our mailing list Sign up here .
If you have any questions or would like more information about the club, please email info@reigatepriorybowmen.org.uk.