You MUST follow the following rules and guidelines regarding shooting at the field under Covid-19 conditions.
Although unwell archers should not come to the field, you should assume that surfaces may have been touched by someone infected with Covid-19, but not yet showing symptoms.
Archers should bring their own hand sanitiser and use it frequently.
Please familiarise yourself with the following before you travel to the field
Unless you have booked your session online (see here) you may not enter the archery grounds.
There must be a maximum of 8 archers (1 archer per lane) at the field at any time. The only exception to this is where household groups are using a lane.
No spectators are permitted, 1 carer may accompany a disabled archer if required, 1 parent/guardian may accompany a Junior archer (under 18).
If you arrive and there are members still packing up to leave, please maintain social distancing.
Please park with a 2-meter (minimum) gap between vehicles and do not touch other vehicles.
Please leave both gates open while any members are at the field.
Please follow the published process for unlocking and locking the gates shown below. Do not enter without familiarizing yourself with these procedures for unlocking/locking the gates.
Further procedures for uncovering/covering targets, etc. are detailed below and must also be adhered to.
Please note – You must provide your own target faces and pins and take these with you when you leave. You must clean up after yourself, do not leave rubbish for others to dispose of. The clubhouse, containers, bus-shelter and seating/benches are out of bounds and are not to be used. If you feel you may need a chair, you should bring it with you along with everything else. The toilet should only be used in an emergency and should be cleaned after use.
Unlocking the gates (if closed when you arrive)
If you are the first to arrive and the gate is locked, please turn off your engine, lock your car and proceed to unlock the outside gate, limiting contact to those areas marked in yellow where possible.
Tie back the gate and proceed to the inner gate (avoid touching your face, etc. during any part of this process).
Open the inner gate and tie it back, again limiting contact to those areas marked in yellow where possible.
Behind the second gate you will find a can of Dettol Antibacterial spray (not gel, which can cause issues with padlocks) and a pack of antibacterial wipes.
Take an antibacterial wipe and wipe the can and the pack of wipes itself where you have touched it. Now spray the inner gate padlock and wipe the chain and gate in any place that you touched it.
Walk back to the outer gate, and spray the lock and wipe the chain and gate in any place that you touched it.
Make sure your hands and any other part of you that may have touched anything is wiped, enter your vehicle and drive in.
Return the can to the collection point at the gate.
Please setup your equipment at your car once you have parked up.
You Touch it, you Wipe It
At the targets
Do not move target bosses under any circumstances!
Use your own target faces and pins.
Use antibacterial wipes (located in tubs, at the front of the bus shelter) on the target covers (not the spray) before removing and after covering the target.
Use the spray provided (located on the back of each target) to sterilize the straw/foam boss before fitting your target face and again at the end of your shooting session.
Do not leave anything behind when you leave, especially rubbish and used wipes.
The message must contain which session it was lost in, the lane being used, if the arrow was high/low/left or right (if known), arrow description and name of archer.
On NO account should any implements (e.g. rakes, hooks) be used to try to find the arrow.
On NO account should the archer remain after the booked session.
When (or if) the arrow has been found, the archer will be notified and advised where the arrow can be collected. The arrow will be cleaned with antibacterial wipes.
No archer is to touch another archer’s equipment.
Locking Up
If you are the last to leave the field, take an antibacterial wipe and wipe the can and the pack of wipes itself where you have touched it.
Wipe the yellow areas on the inner gate and the tie-back chain.
Now spray the inner gate padlock and wipe the padlock chain.
Walk to the outer gate, (avoid touching your face, etc. during any part of this process).
Wipe the yellow areas on the outer gate and tie-back loop.
Spray the lock and wipe the chain and gate latch.
Walk back to the inner gate and return the spray can.
Make sure your hands and any other part of you that may have touched anything is wiped, enter your vehicle and drive out beyond the outer gate. Lock your car and walk back to the inner gate.
Use the wipe you had previously to un-hook the tie-back chain and close the gate.
Lock the gate and wipe the chain and padlock anywhere you have touched it.
Walk to the outer gate, and use the wipe to close the gate, lock it and wipe the parts you have touched.
Wipe your hands again before unlocking and entering your car.